The GREEN Home project is part of the European Commission’s Smart Finance for Smart Buildings and Sustainable Energy Investment Forum initiatives.
GREEN Home will help achieve the goals of the integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP).
The European goal of a climate-neutral building stock by 2050 can only be achieved by reducing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency in residential buildings.
Of the 19 million residential buildings with 42 million apartments in Germany, 1.8 million buildings with 10 million apartments are organised in homeowner associations. This corresponds to almost a quarter of all apartments in Germany.
The refurbishment rate of these apartment buildings is well below the national average. Buildings built between 1949 and 1990 have particularly large potential for energy efficiency. The primary energy consumption of residential buildings built before 1978 averages 247 kWh/m2 per year and amounts to around 56 percent of all German apartment buildings. This corresponds to 1,008,000 existing buildings with high refurbishment potential.
The project aims to support homeowner associations (HOAs) and their management companies nationwide in systematically considering and integrating climate protection and energy efficiency in the planning and decision-making processes of homeowner associations.
In the course of the European GREEN Home project, we will develop needs-oriented financing instruments for energy-efficient refurbishments in HOAs.
To achieve this in a sustainable way, it is important to take into account the needs and interests of the actors and stakeholders involved in, for example, the planning, financing and implementation of extensive construction measures with homeowner associations, or in the legal framework.
Therefore GREEN Home will initiate and establish roundtables that facilitate and promote continuous dialogue and exchange on energy efficiency and investment topics between the stakeholders.
In dialogue, the challenges and ideas are jointly reflected upon and recommendations and models for concrete measures are designed.
On this basis, the project partners will develop tools and instruments for financing energy efficiency measures in HOAs.
In summary, the project goals are:
- Developing financing instruments for energy-efficient refurbishments that reflect the specific challenges HOAs are facing.
- Supporting managers of HOA buildings in informing HOAs about applicable financing instruments and providing tools and communication materials. VDIV will act as permanent contact partner.
Project activities
Developing a sustainable financing instrument will take into account the following areas:
Funding and finance
Construction / Heating technology and energy efficiency
Communication and process support