What motivates and hinders energy refurbishments
Finding from the workshop in Berlin Brandenburg
Homeowner associations
- Understand the problem well and be taken along
- Honest and transparent communication
- HOA-competent energy advisors/counseling
- Perseverance in forming opinions
- Costs property management services should not rise
- Information to the elderly by letter and telephone
- Faster resolutions
Homeowner associations
- Lack of information on funding
- Difficulty in obtaining offers (capacities of craftsmen, energy consultants and specialist planners)
- Owners’ associations not accessible for energy efficiency measures
- Lack of expertise
- Bureaucratic hurdles
- Energy savings are only approximate estimates
- Search for subsidies/ funding options not part of the property management task
- Rapidly changing funding conditions
Property management
- Get offers quickly (e.g. architects, energy counseling)
- Minimize liability risk through external commissioning of the financing of the measure
- Adjust or regulate fees for administrations
- Additional costs must be taken into account (financing)
- Thick skin and staying motivated
- General contractor “everything from one source” (e.g. One-Stop Shops)
- Good cooperation with the advisory board
Property management
- Lack of information on funding
- Difficulty in obtaining offers (capacities of craftsmen, energy consultants, and specialist planners)
- Owners’ associations not accessible for energy efficiency measures
- Lack of expertise
- Bureaucratic hurdles
- Energy savings are only approximate estimates
- Funding research not part of the property management
- Rapidly changing funding conditions
Further information and tips
Toolbox for energy-efficient refurbishment in HOAs | Presentation by Wiebke Lübben | CO2Online
Overview of federal subsidies for energy-efficient renovations | Presentation by Karina Bloche-Daub | ENGIE Deutschland GmbH
Toolbox for energy-efficient refurbishment of homeowners’ associations (CO2Online)
Background information Contracting
Making renovation easy in HOAs
Information material from the Böblingen Energy Agency | Easier renovations together with HOAs
Useful links
Search for craftspeople in your area: Search engine with only craft businesses that are registered in a guild
Successful renovations in HOAs | Speaker: Karolin Borchert, KUNZE Beteiligungen und Verwaltung GmbH
Funding database for municipalities (climate protection- and Energy Agency Baden-Württemberg)
Find an advisor near you: Bonus for individual roadmaps
Funding search engine “Germany does it efficiently” from the BMWK
Funding search engine of the BINE
Outlook for upcoming events
Second round of round tables (online)