Our Challenge
How can we provide HOAs with financing tools that help them protect the value of their property, become carbon neutral in the process, and adopt and implement comprehensive energy efficiency measures?
How can we provide HOAs with financing tools that help them protect the value of their property, become carbon neutral in the process, and adopt and implement comprehensive energy efficiency measures?
GREEN Home is a collaborative project to promote smart, energy-efficient condominium buildings owned by homeowner associations.
The project has been completed – overview of the results.
The Association of Property Managers Germany e. V. (VDIV), the German Business Initiative for Energy Efficiency e. V. (DENEFF), the Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe e. V. (IWO) and Funding for Future BV (F3) kicked off their cooperation with the GREEN Home project. The European goal of a climate-neutral building stock in 2050 can only be achieved by reducing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency in residential buildings. Around 23 percent of the 42 million homes in Germany are in homeowner associations (HOA).
The refurbishment rate for HOA buildings is well below the national average. In particular, buildings that were built between 1949 and 1990 have the greatest potential for increased energy efficiency and make up around 56 percent of all German multi-family buildings. This corresponds to 1,008,000 existing buildings with high refurbishment potential.
Funding programme
project duration
Horizon 2020 – EU Research and Innovation Programme represented by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)
GREEN Home is active in the following federal states: Berlin, Brandenburg, Baden-Württemberg and Northrhine-Westphalia
The following partners are involved in the GREEN Home project: