Project Kick-off at the Berlin Energy Days 2022
Date: Friday 6 May 2022 | Time: 9:30-12:00 o’clock (CET)
Pathway to a climate-neutral residential building stock by 2045
GREEN Home: Energy efficiency for homeowner associations
Motto: Making the energy transition happen!
The climate policy goal of a climate-neutral building stock by 2045 can only be achieved jointly with homeowners’ associations.
After brief impulses from politics, residential property management, energy services and the financial sector, we invite you to imagine the year 2045 with us: apartments organised in homeowner associations are climate-neutral. How did we get there? Which networks were necessary to achieve this goal? Let’s consider and discuss good practices and common goals together.
Are you an apartment owner, administrator, energy service provider, financier and interested in realising the climate-neutrality of the building stock? Let’s join efforts and get started !
Moderation: Diemut Bartl, Dark Horse
VDIV Deutschland e.V.
Initiative Wohnungswirtschaft Osteuropa e.V.
Deutsche Unternehmensinitiative für Energieeffizienz e.V.
Funding for Future B.V.
Impulses and World Café
Online Zoom
Registration: LINK