
Regional Round Table in Baden-Wuerttemberg

Motto: Here and now to a climate-neutral HOA building stock

The energy-efficient refurbishment of the condominium building stock is essential for achieving climate protection goals. Condominium owners’ associations and their management face major challenges.

As part of the EU-funded project “GREEN Home – German Roundtables on Energy Efficiency in Homeowner Associations”, a regional roundtable in workshop format will take place in Stuttgart on September 14, 2022 from 14:00-18:00.

The workshop will focus on the topics of financing and promotion of energy efficiency measures in homeowner associations and examples of good practice.

The regional specifics in Baden-Württemberg, with regard to the framework conditions for energy efficiency investments in condominium owners’ associations will be highlighted and the effects on the refurbishment planning and implementation of HOA will be jointly reflected.

Our central question, which we want to discuss with you, is:
How can we provide condominium associations with financing tools that support them in protecting the value of their property, becoming climate neutral in the process, and adopting and implementing comprehensive energy efficiency measures?

The goal is to develop practical solutions for promoting and financing energy efficiency measures in condominium associations by:

– Establishment of a national stakeholder dialogue and networking of relevant stakeholders.
– Consideration of regional specifics regarding financing and promotion, building stock, legal framework conditions
– Identification of criteria and good practices that facilitate the implementation of energy efficiency measures in HOAs.

Who is the workshop aimed at?

The implementation of a climate-neutral HOA building stock can only succeed in a dialog with all stakeholders. Around 25 representatives of the relevant stakeholder groups, i.e. HOA management, HOA advisory board representatives, financing and funding, energy services and energy consulting, as well as politicians, are invited to discuss the conditions and options for financing comprehensive energy efficiency measures in HOA.


September 14, 2022, Time: 14:00 – 18:00


OutOfOffice Stuttgart GmbH
Am Fruchtkasten 3
70173 Stuttgart





Here you can find the Agenda


We look forward to your perspective and an insightful collaboration.

Participation is only possible with pre-registration and limited to 25 participants. Are you interested? Please contact us!


Kristina Eisfeld I Project Coordination GREEN Home I I T +49 30-3009679-27