Introducing GREEN Home
GREEN Home – Energy efficiency for homeowner associations
A collaborative project to increase energy efficiency for buildings owned by homeowner associations.
The GREEN Home project, financed by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, aims to support smart financing implementation of energy efficiency investments in multi-family buildings organized in homeowner associations by setting up national roundtables. Following the Sustainable Energy Investment Forums’ past and fruitful experience, GREEN Home will hold nine national and regional roundtables in Germany in the four Federal states Berlin/Brandenburg, North Rhine- Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg throughout the next three years. EU policy makers, representatives from national and local authorities, financial, enterprise, construction and the academic sector will be brought together to help build or develop the necessary framework conditions to facilitate energy efficiency investments in renovation by HOA.
The main aim is to increase energy efficiency in condominium buildings and to develop tailor-made financing instruments for condominiums. This is intended to help make the building stock in Germany climate-neutral by 2045.
A core element of the project is an status quo analysis of the current challenges, the legislation and the assessment of the residential property managers so that practicable financing instruments are also used extensively by homeowners’ associations. In interactive dialogue formats, interviews, round tables and a quantitative survey, the different perspectives, expectations and experiences of the central actors are incorporated in order to develop practical solutions – because they have the necessary know-how and know best where the shoe pinches.
The topic of increasing energy efficiency for HOAs is complex and the different needs of the various stakeholders must be taken into account. Against this background, it is important to develop simple and user-friendly solutions. Therefore, successful examples and practicable solutions from Germany and abroad on the topics of financing, subsidies, construction, technology, legislation, communication and legal aid will be incorporated into the project work and made available to residential property managers and homeowners.
The project aims to support homeowners’ associations and HOA administrations nationwide in systematically considering and integrating the topics of climate protection and energy efficiency in the planning and decision-making processes for renovation projects. The final product from the project is an application-oriented financing instrument that is tailored to the needs of the owners in WEG.
Who are we?
The project consortium consists of four partner organisations
Der VDIV Deutschland – Housing is the social issue of our time – the aim of VDIV Deutschland e.V. is to advocate a good balance between homeowners and tenants. Our commitment is to reasonable political framework conditions around the topics of affordable housing and construction, climate protection, property promotion and the further professionalisation of the industry as a future source of ideas and multiplication. By establishing and consolidating an active dialogue between the actors, VDIV contributes to successful energy-efficient renovations by homeowner associations.
The Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO) has been working with homeowners’ associations on an international level for more than 20 years. The challenges of energy-efficient refurbishment of condominium buildings are very similar, both in Eastern and Western Europe. It is worthwhile to learn about good examples from our European neighbours and to get inspiration for finding solutions for German HOAs. IWO will contribute its own experience as well as its network to GREEN Home and thus promote an exchange between German and international stakeholders.
DENEFF advocates for effective and ambitious energy efficiency targets and promotes the energy efficiency market by finding user-centered solutions to market barriers. With 20 years of experience in implementing energy efficiency strategies in buildings, DENEFF aims in the GREEN Home project to develop innovative financing and business models that meet the needs of all relevant stakeholders. We are convinced: We must take action now so that together we can achieve the goal of a climate-neutral building stock.
Funding for future The GREEN Home project goes to the core of Funding For Future’s mission. A lot of our societies environmental, social-economic, and geopolitical problems are related to the quality and energy consumption of our housing. To solve this, we need all homeowners to invest in energy-retrofitting their homes, not only for themselves, but for society as a whole, for this and future generations. So far existing financial and organizational structures have not resulted in the pace of renovations the world needs, especially in the case of condominiums. We expect that GREEN Home will speed things up and with our Building Energy Efficiency Facilities (BEEFs) we try to contribute to this goal.
What is our vision?
GREEN Home develops scientifically sound and implementable instruments to pave the way towards climate neutrality in the sense of the European Green Deal.
Our motivation and drive in our daily work is decarbonization of the building sector in Germany in particular in order to achieve the 1.5 degree limit from the Paris climate agreement. The IPCC has made it clear that without quick action we will exceed the 1.5 degree target by as early as 2030. Our work followes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
An energy supply based on energy efficiency and renewable energies and the climate policy goal of a climate-neutral building stock by 2045 will lead the way to success. The far-reaching transformation of society coming with this must, of course, take place in a socially acceptable manner and be able to cushion cases of social hardship in order to prevent energy poverty in the face of rising energy costs.
What answer do we want to give?
How can we provide homeowner associations with financing instruments that support them in protecting the value of their property while becoming climate-neutral and decide on and implement comprehensive energy efficiency measures?
What is our mission?
Our motto: We can only do it together!
GREEN Home establishes dialogue formats and brings science, politics, energy professionals, administrators and owners together. Only if everyone participates can we achieve our goal: a climate-neutral building stock in Germany by 2045.
GREEN Home introduces and establishes round tables that enable and promote a continuous and productive dialogue on energy efficiency and investment issues between all relevant stakeholders.
The project aims to support homeowner associations and HOAs administrations nationwide in the systematic consideration and integration of the aspects of climate protection and energy efficiency in the planning and decision-making processes for renovations.
We develop need-based financing instruments for energy-efficient refurbishments in homeowner associations that take into account the specific challenges faced by homeowner associations.